We engage all stakeholders in the entrepreneurial ecosystem as part of our efforts to support technology entrepreneurs. • EFS understands that others in the entrepreneurial ecosystem can affect an entrepreneur’s success, including other entrepreneurs, incubators, investors, industry leaders, service providers, associations, and government programs.


13th Investors Forum

Fundación Rafael del Pino, Madrid
Spring 2024

Breakthrough Technologies for Impact: People and Planet. Deep-tech Investors Forum

Some Past Events

the global voice of technology-based entrepreneurship.

Investor’s Forum

Investor's forum 2020

November 25th, 2020     Madrid IESE Campus

MIT Enterprise Forum Spain celebrates its annual tech investment meeting, in online format from the IESE campus in Madrid with 240 virtual meetings between 30 Investors and 56 pre-selected Startups

Office of Corporate Relations

webinars en castellano

junio / julio, 2020     Online

Organizados por el Office of Corporate Relations de MIT se realizaron cuatro  interesantes webinars en castellano sobre Innovación, ciudades del futuro, transformación digital y logística y cadena de suministros post Covid-19.

Chapter Bilbao

Mitef Bilbao: Launching event

September 23th, 2019    Bilbao Guggenheim Musseum

Introduce the new MITEF Chapter of Bilbao to its community. Give insights and generate an open debate on the challenges & opportunities around Industry 4.0 and its applications in Energy and Mobility, as well as the potential to foster entrepreneurship in Bilbao and strengthen its Ecosystem hen its Ecosystem.

Investor’s Forum

Blended Courses 2019

March 25th, 2019     Madrid

Investors forum 2019


Blended Courses 2019

June 25th, 2019     Madrid

MIT Professional Education Courses in Spain. Juan Latassa president de MITEF presentó los nuevos programas blended de MIT Professional Education en España.

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Mentorship series

From Lab to Market

25 de junio, 2016    Madrid

Encuentro donde científicos cuyas investigaciones tienen proyección de mercado y cuentan con grandes perspectivas de futuro, junto con inversores y expertos en transferencia de tecnología, analizaron las necesidades y herramientas desde la investigación a su comercialización.

Success stories

Investments in Biotech and Pharma

March 25th, 2014    Madrid

A working breakfast with a panel of experts, who discussed on innovative projects of the Biotechnology and Pharma industries. The panel presented success stories regarding creation of companies and securing of financing, and analyzed the most relevant aspects, from the investor’s viewpoint, of maturation stages, entry and exit windows and profitability.